Friday, July 10, 2015

America, Who are we? Who do we want to be?

   Change is difficult, we all, can admit that. As individuals, we are better than this. America is at a crossroads once again. Between the recent and long overdue advancement of gay rights and today's courageous act of lower a lifelong symbol for of separation, segregation, and for some heritage. It is time.

   It is time for us to start listening to each other again, to go back to the basics. How do you want others to treat you? How would you feel, if someone took away your rights tomorrow?  Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand their point of view, even if it doesn't make sense to you at first.

   As individuals, we have the power to move the societal compass towards a more positive future; but it takes hard work. I believe that it is time for us to sit down and analyze the world, which we have constructed for ourselves. Ask each other what kind of world we want to live in? And begin working towards those goals. It’s our choice, we can continue following one of the few paths that previous generations have laid out for us; or are we can take a deep breathe and get ready to put in the real work that is necessary to bring about positive change. There are better options, so lets try some out.

Video: Men denied the right to marry